NEA Task 17 (Planning) : Coverlines, Images and Page Furniture
- Main coverline
- Other coverlines
- Main images
- Page furniture
NEA Task 15 (Planning) : Film Magazine Pitch
The Covers & Contents Pages
I intend to use subject matter to appeal to the target audience which is 16-25 years old, media literate and likely to be interested in all areas of film, not just blockbusters, so I will use my magazine covers and contents pages to cover a wide variety of unique and some cliché areas of the film industry. I want to cover all areas of the film industry in my magazine such as world cinema, classics and music related to films as the target audience are likely to interested more than just the latest block busters. I will also use a visually appealing and exciting colour pallet for the magazine covers and contents pages themselves.
The lighting, camera angles and choice of models for the photography for the magazine covers and contents pages must be visually interesting for the target audience and also stick to the brief requirements, I plan to use high-key lighting and a variety of camera angles and the models in both magazine covers will be of different genders and/or ethnicities to appeal to the set brief requirements of representation of different social groups.
The mise en scene should directly suggest the subject of ‘film’ to the target audience and for cover 1 I am planning on having an obviously orchestrated photoshoot and for cover 2 I intend to use photography that I have already taken, coincidentally, of a small reel film shop in London, this should be perfect for the desired mise en scene. The examples of film magazine covers I have looked at show case a variety of styles, at least in terms of the cover art/photography so this gives me a lot of freedom in this aspect.
The font type and size must be consistent across the two magazine cover and contents pages as this is conventional of most film magazines, the only font that doesn’t need to stay consistent is for the main coverline as this will change depending on the main subject of each issue, so I’m planning on using no more than 4 fonts, including the main coverline font, across both magazine covers and contents pages to tie them all together.
The Website
The website must also appeal to a 16-25 year old, media literate audience so I intend to make it visually appealing and easy to navigate, I intend to use visually appealing transitions and animations and give the website a very modern feel. I also intend to promote the magazine’s social media accounts as the target audience are very likely to be active on apps such as tik tok and Instagram.
The website will also contain photography from ‘the world of cinema’ to again appeal to the target audience.
Cross Media Convergence
Intend to create cross media convergence in several ways. I intend to include the link to the website on both magazine covers and on both contents pages with a ‘call to action’. On the website itself I intend to include JPGs of the two magazine covers on the linked page along with photography from the contents pages on at least one of pages on the website. I also aim to include the font of the mast head on the website’s homepage so it is the first thing the target audience would see and to again to create cross media convergence.
Completed NEA
Dear Moderator, My name is Stanley Hadden. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the...

Dear Moderator, My name is Stanley Hadden. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the...
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