
NEA Progress: Changes to the fonts

The new font (Nexa) that will be used for the strapline and any other smaller bits of lexis on the front page 

The new font (Couture) that will be used for the masthead itself


NEA Progress: Changes to the masthead design

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

The font, style and placement of the letters and the masthead itself has been altered several times. The initial idea was to have the two words (Silver & Screen) share the same 'S' (Design 1 & 2), this was then later changed to the two words sharing the same 'R' (Design 3), this concept will still be used for the website, but for the magazine covers themselves, the 'the silveR' will be at the top of the page and 'Screen' will be at the bottom (Design 4), taking inspiration form the 'Big Issue' masthead design (Figure 1).

Design 4

Figure 1

NEA Progress: Changes to the website layout

Completed NEA

Dear Moderator,  My name is Stanley Hadden. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the...