
NEA Progress: Further changes to the website layout

The website layout itself has not been altered much further but the theme has now been made black and white to stick more closely to 'the Silver Screen' theme, it has also made the website appear more professional and slicker.

Changes to the fonts have been made (Picture 1) to directly match the fonts used on the magazine covers, cross media convergence. 

I have also added an example of one of the magazines on the home page and edited it to appear as if it is in the shop window (Picture 1, circled).

Picture 1 

For the magazine page I have attempted to make it appear as if the example cover (circled) is actually
being displayed on the cinema screen, in the photograph, by adjusting its angle and perspective in photoshop (please note that the example cover (circled) is an old cover design and his since been altered)

Picture 2

NEA Progress: Further changes to the masthead design

 I have decided to stick with the Big Issue inspired layout of the magazine cover, below are progress photographs of further changes made to the layout and fonts of the cover:

(Picture 1 is an example of the layout and picture 2 is a further updated example of how the cover) (still in progress) (The colour pallet in picture 2 is definitely not final)

Picture 2 also includes the photograph I am considering using for the actual cover 1.

Picture 1

Picture 2 

Completed NEA

Dear Moderator,  My name is Stanley Hadden. Welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the...