
NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

Film Stories:

  • Film Stories is an independent publication, without a big publishing company behind it.
  • Film Stories is published once a month and Film Junior is published seasonally.
  • The prices range between £1.99, £3.99 and £5.99.
  • Their website:

Sight and Sound:
  • Published by the British Film Institute, a film and television charitable organisation which promotes and preserves film-making and television in the United Kingdom.
  • Sound and Sight magazine is published monthly.
  • The prices range between around £2.50 and £9.95 with the most common price being £6.50.
  • Their website:

Little White Lies:
  • It is published by London-based media company The Church Of London.
  • Little White Lies is published bi-monthly.
  • A current issue of Little White Lies in the UK is £11.50.
  • Their website:


NEA Task 7 : My Target Audience

Why is target audience important to Bauer? :
'We are guided by regular research and analysis of our markets and target groups, which allows us to understand our readers, users, listeners, and advertisers and know exactly how to engage, inform and entertain.'

What is a media literate audience? :
The core concept of media literacy is intelligent engagement, as both a user and a creator, with media and technology. 

A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze, and produce both print and electronic media. 

Media literate audiences think critically, become smarter consumers of products and information, recognize perspectives, identify the role media plays in our culture, and understand the intent of the content created by producers.

If you are media literate you would respond to a media text in an active way, engaging with and considering messages that are communicated rather than just accepting them.

Target Audience Profile :
Sam may be in the Sixth Form studying A Levels and preparations for university. If Sam is already at university they are likely to be studying at a Russell Group university and following a course that is recognised as being traditionally academic. If Sam is employed they may be at the start of their career and, therefore, not at the height of their earning potential yet.

Sam’s family background will have added significant cultural capital to their experiences. Sam will have been brought up in a household where there has been a clear focus on the importance of education and the opportunities that this can bring. Sam will have experienced holidays both in this country and abroad and their knowledge of other cultures will have been enhanced by this.

Sam is knowledgeable about current affairs but doesn’t access news via traditional channels such as newspapers or television. Sam would not dream of reading the red top or middle-market tabloids. If Sam had to, they may flick through The Guardian or i. 

To keep updated on what is happening in the world Sam, like most others of their age, relies more heavily on their social media feeds. Social media is important to Sam but it doesn’t dominate their life. They are more likely to use Instagram and Tik Tok than Facebook and will be as interested in consuming as they are in producing content. Sam likes to be seen as slightly different to the average 16-25 year old and has an active interest in learning about the world around them. Sam is interested in reality television programmes such as Love Island but is likely to see it as escapist fun rather than a guide to how they should live their life.

Sam will make use of online sources such as Huffington Post, a site that features content from more than 100,000 bloggers (from politicians, students and celebrities to academics, parents and policy experts) who contribute in real-time on the subjects they are passionate about. 

Sam is interested in all aspects of culture. They are interested in reading and are likely to always have at least one book by their bedside. Sam is more likely to read fiction than non-fiction and is able to hold a conversation regarding what they like and dislike in a narrative. Sam will enjoy music but doesn’t follow the crowd. Sam is interested in new music and takes pleasure in listening to artists that their friends may not have heard of yet. Sam is likely to be interested in attending festivals alongside friends. 

Sam will take an active interest in film and is just as likely to stream content as visit the cinema. Sam enjoys watching Hollywood blockbusters but is just as likely to seek out the latest independent film. Sam is interested in all aspects of film-making and not just the end product and, because of this, is more likely to read film magazines such as Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories than more mainstream magazines such as Empire and Total Film.

Sam has some disposable income but is still conscious of the need to save. Fashion is important but  they are not a sheep who follows the same trends as everyone else. Sam will be seen by their friends as a trend setter and not a follower of fashion.

Sam is interested in issues that affect young people of the same age. These would include climate concerns and the impact of human beings on the environment.


NEA Task 6 : Understanding Audience (Mass Market)

What is a mass market audience?

A mass market, also known as undifferentiated market, is a large group of current and/or prospective customers, where individual members share similar needs. The size of a mass market depends on the product category. Mass marketers typically aim at between 50 and 100 percent of the total market potential.

What is an independent cinema?

A cinema that is not necessarily part of a cinema chain or large corporation, it will show blockbusters but will also show niche, independent films.

What is OnScreen magazine?

A film magazine that focuses on a mass market audience whilst also showing independent films, the magazine is available for free as a PDF on the website or can be found in independent cinemas as they make money from the advertising for movies and more in the magazine.

What different sections are there on the OnScreen website and how do these sections appeal to a mass market audience?

There are hyperlinks which lead to the following, features, news, reviews, trailers, movies, win and cinema pass. "MOVIES" offers movies that are coming soon and that are in cinemas now, this appeals to a mass market audience as there are no obvious features aiming at a certain gender or age ect.

How does the latest edition of OnScreen magazine (May/June 2023) appeal to a mass market audience?

  • The use of the puff ' FREE take a copy', is one of the best ways in which the magazine appeals to a mass market audience, the magazine being free ensures that there is literally no one on earth that cannot afford to access a copy.
  • The unfinished claim 'your ultimate guide to cinema' suggests there is not another magazine out there with the same level of detail, understanding and knowledge of the cinematic world, the majority of people, if willing to pick up a film magazine, are going to want the 'ultimate' one.

What is meant by the term cross-media convergence?

Cross-media convergence is simply the promotion of different forms media on another separate form of media, for example, the promotion of the OnScreen magazine on the OnScreen website.


NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

The following information is sourced from Bauer Media :

Empire is without question, the world’s most influential film and entertainment brand. Encompassing a print magazine, podcast, website, digital edition and live events strand, nobody speaks to more film fans across the world with more authority.

With world-class writers, critics, photographers and illustrators, every piece of Empire content is considered, premium, polished and connects with the audience, who trust us implicitly and come back to Empire every day, every week and every month.

The Empire target audience/readership :

  • Three-quarters male 
  • Aged 18-40
  • Employed
  • In a relationship (although not necessarily married)
  • University educated 
  • Time-poor
  • Passionate about film 
  • They use cinema as escapism or insight into other worlds
  • They now have access to cinematic content 24/7
The Magazine :

Whether it’s creating the world’s first voice-responsive talking cover for Deadpool 2, or a Steven Spielberg takeover, Empire has some of the biggest firsts in the film and entertainment world. 

There are set visits, and then there are Empire set visits. No-one can match the standing we have with filmmakers, so no-one else got exclusive on-set access with the MCU’s trail-blazing Captain Marvel. 

A-list Access
In the past 12 months we’ve featured James Cameron, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Simon Pegg, Olivia Colman… Actually, it’d be quicker if we were to name the A-list stars we haven’t spoken to. Empire is the magazine the best and biggest names in Hollywood want to be in. 

Just how big is a Tatooine womp rat? How many Infinity Stones are there? And just what exactly does a Best Boy do? The Empire team know. And that’s because they live, breathe and dream film. It’s the most knowledgeable, passionate team in the business.

Ad Rates :

Display :
  • Full page FH - £4,900
  • Full page ROP - £4,200
  • Half page - £2,795
  • IBC/OBC - £6,860
  • DPS FH - £9,310
  • DPS ROP - £7,980
  • Full page - £6,370
  • DPS - £12,103
  • Half page - £3,365
  • Supplied images - £2,000
  • Photoshoot - £3,000
  • Bound-in - £50 per '000
  • Tip-on £55 per '000
  • Loose insert £35 per '000


NEA Task 3 : Research Into The UK Magazine Industry

The following information has been sourced from Pulse Group Media's official website :

Around the world magazine publishing is expected to continue growing by between 1% and 0.5% per year to 2026, according to a recent report. 

Smartphones and tablet devices are contributing to the continued popularity of magazines. With greater availability of high-speed broadband, streaming and downloading online content has become even more popular. Publishers are creating content in digital formats for mobile users to improve customer engagement and reach a wider audience. 

 Increasing use of interactive advertisements in print magazines is also having a positive impact that is contributing to the anticipated growth. 

The following information has been sourced from Press Gazette's official website :

The UK consumer magazine industry has been upended in recent years by factors including the move to online, with the Covid-19 pandemic further hitting newsstand sales and free titles.

Verticals like men’s magazines have been hard hit by competition from visual platforms such as Instagram, while sectors such as news and current affairs have remained more resilient.

Print is still a significant medium for many but has been in long-term decline, with digital editions and subscriptions for the most part not making up for this drop in sales.

Although it is still common to talk of a magazine industry, many of the successful larger players no longer see themselves that way.

Roger Lynch, chief executive of the 113-year-old Conde Nast, told the New York Times this year that the business was “no longer a magazine company” as its audiences now predominantly interact with its brands through its websites and social media rather than its magazines.

The following statistics are sourced from Magnetic Media's official website :

  • The very best industry data is sourced from PAMCo, AA/WARC and Nielsen.
  • Magazines are projected to have accounted for almost £560.4 million of ad spend in 2022
  • Top magazine advertisers include Apple, VictoriaPlum, Johnson & Johnson, Chanel and Sainsbury’s
  • Magazine media reaches 76% of adults in the UK each month 
  • Almost two thirds of UK adults (63%) read magazines through a digital medium each month and this is growing steadily
  • According to PAMCo data 72% of readers think that reading magazines is time well spent and 91% trust what they read*.

last updated January 2023


NEA Task 2 : Research into Bauer

The following information is sourced from Bauer Media Group's official Wikipedia page:

Heinrich Bauer Publishing (German: Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG), trading as Bauer Media Group, is a German multimedia conglomerate headquartered in Hamburg. It operates worldwide and owns more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations, as well as print shops, postal, distribution and marketing services. Bauer has a workforce of approximately 11,000 in 17 countries.

Bauer Verlagsgruppe has been managed by five generations of the Bauer family. In November 2010, Heinz Heinrich's daughter Yvonne Bauer became CEO and 85% owner of the Bauer Media Group after joining the family business in 2005.

In February 2021, Bauer Media Group announced it was to acquire Ireland's Communicorp Group, subject to regulatory approval. The acquisition was completed on 1 June 2021.

The following information is sourced from Bauer Media Group's official website:

'Bauer Media Group is one of the world’s largest privately-owned media business with media assets all over the globe. Founded in Hamburg in 1875 and now in its 5th generation of family ownership, the Bauer Media Group reaches 200 million consumers worldwide and operates in 14 countries including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Ireland and the USA and has 15,000 employees.'

'Bauer Media UK is part of the wider Bauer Media Group and is the No.1 UK Publisher and the No.1 Digital Commercial Audio broadcaster. An entertainment network of iconic and innovative multi-platform brands reaching 25 million consumers using insight and instinct to tell stories that are relevant to audiences and advertisers alike delivering cultural impact.'

'No other media owner has the range and diversity of brands and audiences that Bauer has, it is this breadth and depth of cultural connections with audiences that makes Bauer truly different.'

'We use audience insight to get a deep understanding of our audiences – knowing that it is no longer enough to understand what consumers are doing right now but it’s crucial to understand where behaviours, values and attitudes are changing.'

'To support this, Bauer strives towards creating a culture at work in which diversity is appreciated and supported, where opportunities are open to all, where people treat each other with respect and get the same in return. We want our culture to support the highest standards of behaviour everywhere we operate, and at all times.'


NEA Task 1 : Introduction To Set Brief

Set Brief : Magazines and Online

Requirements of the brief

You work for an independent media production company. 

You have been given the task of producing the front cover and contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new film magazine that is being launched by Bauer and two pages for the working website for the magazine.

Contents pages can be either single or double page spread.

The web pages must promote the new magazine to its target audience and enable fans to interact with the content.

Summary of brief requirements:

• Statement of Intent (approx. 500 words) : to be completed after research phase of NEA.

• Magazine covers and contents pages: Two or three pages for each of the first two editions (based on choice of single or double page spread).

• Magazine distribution method: Content must be suitable for retail distribution.

• Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.

• Cross media production target audience: A primarily 16–25-year-old middle and upmarket media literate audience.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.

NEA Rules

The following rules MUST be adhered to:

  • Do not reproduce an existing media product. 
  • Group productions are not allowed. Others may act in or appear in the production and/or may operate lighting, sound, recording or other equipment under your direction.
  • You MUST only use original footage, images and/or text within your production. 
  • You MUST NOT use any found images.

Completed NEA

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